Our rangers have been busy installing an otter holt in a bankside by the river. The holt consists of a pre-formed square plastic chamber with two separate entrances vice rigid plastic pipes. The holt was dug into the bankside and completely covered with the excavated soil - lots of strenuous digging and back-filling but well worth the effort if it provides a safe haven for the elusive but charming otter.
Plastic chamber for otter holt
Ranger Vicky digs hole for chamber |
Ranger Phil digs channel for second pipe |
I set up a motion sensored video camera overlooking a badger sett recently having scattered a handful of peanuts around one of the entrances. Footage was captured of a pair of badgers and also an inquisitive fox but the highlight was a short sequence of a red squirrel - proof at least that these delightful squirrels are still present at Gibside.