Wednesday 4th May 2016
Through to mid-morning it was still cool enough to
wear our fleece jackets; by lunchtime the temperature had risen to sixteen or
seventeen degrees. This year, that counts as hot. We had a few small jobs to
get done, but this was the day to return to our summer job of collecting
wildlife data around Gibside Estate. What we see, we note. We transfer our
notes to a spreadsheet which we add into the Rangers’ data, and all that gets
fed into the National Trust databank. It’s a useful task we’re told, but, in
truth, we do it because we like to.
Other members of the Wednesday Conservation Team have
their various summer occupations – cutting grass, maintaining path drainage,
working in the walled garden, and such. Some just stay away, to reappear in
October. We count flowers and live in hope of spotting a grass snake.
Ladyhaugh |
Butterbur |
Today we had a newly recruited volunteer to the
Wednesday Team with us. Since it will be the best part of six months before the
whole team reassembles, he will have to find his summer niche. For now, he
joined us on a tour of some of the grass snake sites where we did some
maintenance on a few, and shifted one entirely down a steep bank and across a
stream to be more in the vicinity of the Ladyhaugh ponds. Grass snakes like
In a few weeks, Ladyhaugh will coloured with meadow
flowers. Today we noted a few. Cowslips dominate, along with the odd patch of
primrose and a scattering of lesser celandine and dandelion. The margins of the
meadow are less showy, but display more variety with a few bluebells, greater
stitchwort, garlic mustard, wood anemone, and daisies of course. At the rough,
north end we sought out butterbur - now fading beside the river, and found a
patch of ground ivy that we had not noted in previous years. An orange tipped
butterfly fluttered by; a welcome start to a new season.
Ground Ivy |
Lesser Celandine |
Fern Emerging |
Trees coming into leaf, West Woods |
Old Carriageway West Woods |
Steve Wootten & Phil Coyne
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